
28 Jul 2010


Is it just me who loves disposable cameras for how shit they are??

I don't know why i just love having crappy quality printed photos to flick through, I guess it reminds me of being a child, we have SO many albums from film cameras. Nostalgia. They're kinda warm and homey to me.

On a geography field trip I went on with my school last year to the lake district, I didn't take a digital camera at all but I had three disposable cams. I think I love the photos more than if I had just taken a digital compact, because first of all, I would have printed maybe 2 or 3 instead of having about 60 to flick through, and I just love how shit they are!!! It's a weird thing. As a photographer I should probably get really angry and annoyed with the crap quality but I love nothing more!!! It just makes the photos more appealing to me for some reason.

SO I have decided to make a photo wall which will be transferred wherever I live. I've just always wanted an entire wall with photos pinned up all haphazard and careless. I made a start on it several times but took them down because I didn't like the photos or never managed to do it messy enough. But i've started again and i'm going to actually do it this time.

I just don't have many photos at the moment, but that's ok! It's sort of the point, to fill the wall with new photos and new memories as they happen, which is why I'm going to buy some disposable cams and take them with me wherever I go and to every friend I visit and I will DEMAND to have a photo with them on my crappy little disposable camera :)

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