
9 Dec 2010

Becky Ward

I'm sorry for most of my blogposts usually being horse related to those that follow me more for my portraiture. I do try not to make every post about them!
I wanted to try and traffic a bit of attention towards my good friend Becky Ward. I first spoke to her last september after finding some videos of her and her horse training and just thought "I MUST photograph these two"

So you are likely to recognise Shadow. The beautiful black rearing, foot pointing, bowing horse.
I think what I respect most about this pair is how obvious their bond is and it's probably fair to say I am entirely and completely 100% jealous of it. It's amazing to watch them together and how willing shadow is to do what she's asked and occassionally do something new and spontaneous.

I went up to visit them in June and in the last few videos she's made it's obvious how much they've improved and that their hard work training is paying off. I will be visiting them again summer 2011 because a) she's my friend b) I can't wait to get my hands on both of them once more! They've inadvertently become a bit of an annual project. Also, she's pretty good at the videos themselves!

I just wanted to share it with you and hope that you can support her as much as I do. If you're not a horsey person maybe you won't get it though, take it as you like :) Just think she deserves a mention!!


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