There is an extent to which I will agree with it in that obviously there IS a lot more to being a photographer than just owning the equipment, after all owning a car does not make you a driver and even with knowledge of how to drive it, does not make you a good one.
Your opinion may be slightly different depending on whether you want to take the definition of it being a job or a creative/artistic skill. Personally I view it as art, if you have a keen interest in photography and are developing your skills why may you not call yourself a photographer? Albeit you may not be very good at the time but this is the point that I think the original statement from the facebook group should come under criticism, as it is in effect turning round and telling someone their work is crap and they don't deserve the 'title'
I can't help but wonder at which point the people making this statement are being hypocritical. As at what stage in their own photographic lives did they start calling themselves photographers?
Personally when I first started out it was a progression from using the phrase 'interest in photography' to confidently saying 'you know what? Yeah I am a photographer' and I defined myself by that. I took a lot of photos, I saw it as creating art/imagery and I was CONSTANTLY trying to improve.
I worry that it's people who are in a similar situation to where I was, in that early stage, that are the people being targeted by these sorts of statements. It's probably the worst time to make harsh and unnecessary comments because it can totally crush someones self esteem and motivation at this point as you know you're not the greatest, you may even think you're not especially good at all and to the rest of the world your photos obviously aren't at a high standard. However at no point did I, or do I see anyone else just starting out, call themselves PROFESSIONAL photographers and I think this is where the issue lies.
People who own an SLR and take snapshots of their friends, family, pets whatever, without any artistic intention or real interest in the subject and then call themselves photographers I think the statement is fair. As that IS just owning a camera.
However when it is directed towards beginners or individuals who just aren't very good or creative I really do believe it's just narcissistic commentary that needn't be said.
The world of professional photography has nothing to worry about, these people don't claim to be pro's and even if they did their work would speak otherwise.
In the end, I think it's the fear that the title "photographer" is in some way going to become a joke and by default so are all those labeled with it.