
13 Aug 2011

Shoestring photography workshop

One thing I didn't initially anticipate when I started freelancing is the heavy interlink between my career and my personal life. Now it sounds like an obvious and key point of self employment that I should've anticipated, what with being your own boss, but what i'm more referring to is the extent to which it's started challenging me on a personal and deeply emotional level.
The opportunities and jobs i've had over the last year or so have definitely done my confidence a world of good whilst at the same time bringing to the surface a constant mental battle with anxiety.

Earlier this year Kate Vanhinsbergh, photographer and editor of Shoestring magazine, approached me to host one of several workshops being run by the publication. This being a perfect example of one of the opportunities I just mentioned. It's an awesome proposal and something I think a lot of people would have loved the chance to do and whilst on one hand I was really looking forward to the challenge and getting some public speaking/workshop experience under my belt, the idea and reality of travelling to Manchester and talking to a group of people was scary as hell.

With this in mind I took a lot of time debating with Kate what the workshop should focus on and concluded it would be easiest to focus on my strong points as a photographer, so we decided that 'the editorial' and bringing your vision to life was a good start. The talk focused on different elements of a shoot and how to get what you want from it, making sure that as the person in charge of the overall look, you have the confidence and capabilities to step in with all the creative aspects. This led into the shoot itself giving each workshopee a little one on one time with the model to develop their directing skills to help them get over those pesky nerves that held them back from achieving the shots they wanted.

The irony wasn't lost on me of lecturing a group about the importance of confidence when for the previous six hours i'd been travelling I was a nervous wreck. I think it almost added to the message though as nerves are often unavoidable but so long as you chase your vision and don't let them hold you back then you're going to progress in leaps and bounds.

I received really positive feedback at the end of the day and was glad each person had a good experience with some useful advise they could take away and build on with practise. They were also either amateurs or new to fashion photography so I was really pleased with the shots they got and the way they directed our model considering I put each in the spotlight to direct the shoot for even just a few minutes.

You can find some behind the scenes photos taken by Kate on the
Shoestring facebook page along with her images from the day and here are a few quick examples of what the group shot!

Dave Morrison:

Shay Rowan:

Anitha Narayan:

Melanie Smith:

Huge thank you to Kate and the creative team!

Model: Helen Holt
MUA: Dan Wood
Hair: Ashley Lambe

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