
19 May 2010

A trip along the coast

I did a shoot with one of my friends today and we went to a couple of locations, the second of which was atop some nearby cliffs.
When we got there we saw that there was a really really low cloud bank and it looked like a giant cushy blanket that you could jump and land safely on (obviously we didn't test that theory!) but it was all rolling inland from the see and it looked as though the town down the hill was being eaten up by it.

The South East coast really is quite a pretty area, you have beautiful countryside in one direction then the English Channel and continental europe the other! I'm fortunate to be able to see France for most of the summer, when the sun is shining and the sky is clear.

Also, a bird of prey flew past, i'm not sure what breed of bird it is but I saw it out of the corner of my eye and snapped a photo quick before it ducked down behind the cliff. It was only a flash so it's just as well I was paying attention or I wouldn't have seen it.

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